Facts about pangolins

       Have you every heard of a pangolin?  Well now you have.  Do you know anything about a pangolin? Well soon you will know......... A pangolin is a very endangered animal, nearly to extinct. People don't know much about them and in China and Vietnam people sale pangolin scale as medicine and pangolin meat in soup. Pangolins is not known very well because barely anyone knows what it is. In the next paragraph you will learn more about these precious pangolins.

      A pangolin is a very rare mammal that is covered with scales. These are also known as scaly anteater. There tongue can extend out longer than there body, it is good because the tongue is the key for helping them catch food.  When they roll up is when they are scared and they will poo out some kind of smelly acid to prevent animals to get near it. If you are thinking why they are so endangered, it is not because of other animals. It is because of us eating them and capturing them. Now we are preventing people to do it, but poachers just hunt them. poachers don't think about them. They only live in the Asia and Africa.   People sell them in very high price. Pangolins were worth around US $10 per kilo in the early 1990s and had soared to US $175 per kg by 2009. Pangolins is a not well known animal because not much people know about it. People don't care about them.  Pangolin is cover with keratin scales, which helps protect them form predators. People get them and sell them as medicine. There scales are the same thing as what our fingernail is made from, keratin. So why not just make some fingernail clipping as medicine, you don't have to kill an life for it when you already have the material.  It is very sad how these little creature are about to go extinct. So if you ever see a pangolin in the wild leave it alone, don't get it away and don't sell it........if you do you will go to jail.  Protect pangolins now!!!  Ya, don't forget  third Saturday of February is world pangolin day!!  So I hope this has inspired you to spread out what is pangolins so people can know more and protect them. pangolin pangolin pangolin rocks. Watch the bottom video I found on YT.  It helped me.


  1. This is my newest post so far
    My first informational post to be more clear


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